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Orthognathic surgery is a surgical intervention that seeks to normalize the mandibular function, through high-precision bone cuts, this procedure successfully resolves dentofacial deformities, such as retrognathism, prognathism and various facial asymmetries. Once the bone discrepancies have been corrected, the bone positions improve resulting in an optimal madibular function.

Patients who are candidates for Orthognathic Surgery often have the following conditions:


What is Orthognathic Surgery?



General improvement of facial asymmetry


Considerable decrease or disappearance of mandibular joint pain


Permanent correction of facial bone discrepancies


Counteracts obstructive sleep apnea improving rest lapses and REM cycles


Stops tooth wear associated with the mandibular position


Overall improvement in self-esteem

Benefits of Orthognathic Surgery



Thanks to advances in three-dimensional technology and oral-maxillofacial research, Orthognathic Surgery has two approaches, which depend on the need and complexity of each of the cases studied and established as candidates for orthognathic intervention.

  Click on the following options below to learn more about the types of jaw surgery that can be performed and the specific details.

Approaches to Orthognathic Surgery




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Alajuela, Costa Rica

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         (506) 25199616

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